photo by Sarah Willing


PerSisters is a song duo of Margaret Walters and Christina Mimmocchi, both carriers of the folk tradition flame.

Margaret is a legend of the Australian folk scene, both as a solo singer and as a member of the Roaring Forties and now Forty Degrees South, and formerly in partnership with songwriter John Warner.  Her warm, complex  voice has graced songs ranging from traditional ballads, through sea shanties, blues, and songs of industrial life, to contemporary songs of the environment.

With a shared passion for connecting people through communal singing, and a commitment to social justice and the environment, Christina and Margaret have been singing together for years at various festivals, gigs, gatherings and sessions  

They had their PerSisters debut at the Leichhardt Bowlo in late 2021. They sing powerful songs, passionately delivered, celebrating the lives and stories of women everywhere.  In 2023 they sang in a concert at the National Folk Festival to celebrate Margaret’s 80th birthday.